Newstalk ZB
June 27, 2003

Calls trickle in for $100,000 reward

Calls trickle in - $100,000 reward for fresh information that might clear Peter Ellis's name in Christchurch Civic Creche case

The businessman behind a $100,000 reward for fresh information that might clear Peter Ellis's name says he has fielded more calls.

National Business Review publisher Barry Coleman has offered the cash to anyone who can provide information that will lead to a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

Mr Coleman says he received two more phone calls yesterday, taking the total number of calls he has had to seven.

He says the new information will be passed onto Lynley Hood - one of three people leading the call for a review, and author of a book about the case - who will assess whether the information is relevant.

Newstalk ZB
June 25, 2003

Publisher offers money for Ellis information

Campaign to clear the name of Peter Ellis gathers momentum as NBR publishers offers money for new information

The campaign to clear Peter Ellis' name has taken a new twist.

The publisher of the National Business Review is prepared to stump up with $100,000 as a reward for new information in the case.

Barry Colman says he has made the offer in an attempt to force the hand of Justice Minister Phil Goff who says he cannot order a Royal Commission of Inquiry without new information.

He admits it is an extraordinary offer but this is an extraordinary case.

Two former police officers are also offering their time to help clear Peter Ellis' name.

Mr Colman says the former officers were quick to respond to his pledge, and that they are not interested in the money but are confident they can find some new information.

A large number of prominent New Zealanders have signed a petition to Parliament calling for Phil Goff to order a Royal Commission of Inquiry, which was handed in yesterday.

They include former Prime Ministers David Lange and Mike Moore, authors, and lawyers.

Mr Goff has been against the idea of a Royal Commission for some time, saying the matter was covered in a report by Sir Thomas Eichelbaum.

One of the organisers of the petition, however, Lynley Hood, says Sir Thomas' report was too narrow.

She wrote a book about the Civic Creche case and says that while Sir Thomas spent a few hundred hours reviewing the case, she spent several thousand looking at the evidence while she was researching her book.

Newstalk ZB
June 24, 2003

Goff cool on Ellis petition

Justice Minister says he will accept latest Peter Ellis petition but hints it probably won't make much difference

Justice Minister Phil Goff believes calls for a Royal Commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case are misguided.

A petition signed by more than 140 high-profile New Zealanders will be presented at Parliament today.

It demands Mr Goff order a Royal Commission inquiry into Ellis' sex abuse conviction.

Mr Goff says the petition will be considered in the same vein as any other petition to Parliament.

But he has hinted it's a waste of time.

Mr Goff says seven appeal court judges and a former Chief Justice have all found that no miscarriage of justice has occurred.

Newstalk ZB
June 24, 2003

National says petition is serious

National party says petition demanding inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis is not a publicity stunt and has high-level support

The National Party claims its Peter Ellis petition has nothing to do with politics.

A petition signed by more than 140 high-profile New Zealanders will be presented to Justice Minister Phil Goff today.

The signatories are demanding a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis in the Christchurch Civic Creche case.

National MP Katherine Rich says the petition, a brainchild of Nats members, is not a publicity stunt and has cross-party support.

She says it is about the integrity of the justice system, not politics.

Ms Rich says that regardless of the outcome, the inquiry would lay to rest any concerns.

She says unease over the case will continue to fester unless the country is brave enough to deal with it.

A spokesman for Phil Goff says he will only be swayed by the presentation of new material regarding the case.

Ms Rich says the petition has been signed by several former Prime Ministers, Queen's Counsel and academics.

Newstalk ZB
June 9, 2003

Brash backs Ellis petition

National MP Don Brash goes in to bat for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis and backs petition asking for Royal Commission

Human beings make mistakes.

National MP Don Brash says that in itself is enough to warrant another review of Peter Ellis' conviction.

Dr Brash is one person behind a petition to win a Royal Commission into the investigation of the Christchurch Civic Creche case.

It follows Lynley Hood's controversial book A City Possessed.

Dr Brash says the book reveals enough to question the integrity of the investigation.

He says human institutions are not infallible and sometimes make mistakes.

The petition already boasts signatures from former Prime Ministers David Lange and Mike Moore.

Others to sign include authors, artists and several Queen's Counsel.

Newstalk ZB
June 8, 2003

Big names on petition

High-profile names support Peter Ellis petition calling for top level inquiry into his conviction

Some of the country's most high-profile people have lent their names to a petition in support of Peter Ellis.

It calls for a top level inquiry into his conviction in the
Christchurch civic creche case.

It follows Lynley Hood's book A City Possessed, calling into question the integrity of the police investigation.

National MP Don Brash says regardless of opinions of guilt or innocence, the book reveals the case is worthy of another look.

Names on the petition include former Prime Ministers Mike Moore and David Lange, several Queen's Counsels and legal professors