The Press
June 18 2003

Call for Royal Commission inquiry supported
Letter to the Editor, by Gaye Davidson,
Christchurch, June 12

Sir--I am writing in response to the call for a Royal Commission of inquiry for the Civic Child Care Centre and to support the call by Lynley Hood for justice for all those involved in the case who were unjustly treated by the investigation and the justice system.

While I am always grateful that I never shared the same fate as Peter Ellis, maybe it would have been better if we, the women who were arrested, also went to trial; then the jury would have seen all of the so- called evidence.

Let it not be forgotten that we were acquitted because of lack of evidence, the same calibre of evidence used against Peter.

Surely those who want to believe we were capable of such heinous crimes should welcome an inquiry with open arms, yet it is us, the accused, who have continually sought an inquiry and appreciate the actions of those that may make it so.