The Press
June 18 2003

Male teachers
Letter to the Editor
by Aysha Mardle,
Merivale, June 16

Sir--I find it admirable that the Government is wanting to offer scholarships to get more male teachers in our primary schools.

I do, however, feel that until society changes and moves away from the stigma and suspicion directed towards male teachers, this may very well turn out to be a futile attempt at recruiting them.

Understandable is the fear that men have with regards to teaching young children. One only has to look at the gross miscarriage of justice in the Peter Ellis case to understand why men shy away from this vocation.

In the events of recent months, I am left wondering if parents of young boys who attend swimming classes whose coaches are females, have created the same type of fear and paranoia that is associated with male teachers.

I find it incredible that we are all for promoting peace overseas but unable to trust our own neighbours at times.