One News
June 24 2003

Petition calls for Ellis inquiry

Calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the case of former Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis are gathering momentum in Parliament.

A petition signed by over 800 people, including more than 100 prominent New Zealanders, has been presented to National Party MPs Kathryn Rich and Don Brash.

Peter Ellis' QC Judith Ablett Kerr says she has asked three times for a Royal Commission to investigate his 1993 conviction for 16 charges of abusing children in his care.

She is also preparing an appeal to the Privy Council.

Ellis was jailed for 10 years in 1993 and was paroled in 2000. He continues to defend his name and has always maintained his innocence.

The petition was presented by the author Lynley Hood, whose book A City Possessed argued strongly for Ellis' innocence.

But Justice Minister Phil Goff has said a petition will not convince him to take any further action over the Ellis case.

Goff said the case has already been well scrutinised by both the Court of Appeal and a former Chief Justice during the ministerial inquiry in 2001.

The petition has been signed by former prime ministers, law professors, writers and psychologists.

The author says if a Royal Commission of Inquiry goes ahead it will have huge ramifications for the entire justice system