Otago Daily Times
July 1 2003

1200 put name to Ellis inquiry petition

Staff Reporter

Petitions for a commission of inquiry into Peter Ellis' convictions, have attracted more than 1200 names, organiser Katherine Rich said last night.

Mrs Rich, the national list MP who with fellow MP Don Brash orchestrated a high-profile petition presented to Justice Minister Phil Goff last week, said public pressure had dictated the need for a further petition.

Since the petition was launched last Tuesday more than 400 names have been collected on forms downloaded from the web site peterellis.org.nz. The forms are then posted to Mrs Rich's office.

The previous petition collected 807 names, including those of 140 notable New Zealanders.

"Concern for the case is growing on a daily basis," Mrs Rich said.

The new petition closes on July 31.