Otago Daily Times
July 4 2003

Peter Ellis
Letter to the Editor
By Trevor Norton

While reading Lynley Hood's book, A City Possessed , I noticed the recurring child abuse. It was persistent through the entire episode in Christchurch, and no-one appeared to comment, or even notice it.

And now we have the revelation of one of the children involved in the case, (ODT, 28.6.03) and she confirms the abuse that was directed at her.

The psychiatrists, police, social workers and some parents abused the children to the point where the frustrated child, not knowing what was right or wrong or what to say, gave the answers to the persistent questions that they believed were the answers they were expected to give - regardless of the truth.

The result: a man imprisoned for "child abuse" by the testimony of people who had resorted to child abuse to get the "evidence" they wanted.