Otago Daily Times
July 5, 2003

'Promising' information
by Jane Smith

National Business Review publisher Barry Colman says his $100,000 reward for new information on the Peter Ellis case has prompted two people with "potentially promising" information to come forward.

Two people "actively involved" in the case had contacted him with new information, Mr Colman said in an email.

Christchurch Civic Creche child worker Peter Ellis was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted of child abuse at the creche in 1993. He was released after six and a-half years, and has always maintained his innocence.

"I am hoping our investigations on these two leads will give us the sort of the break we need to allow the Justice Minister the opportunity to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the whole affair," Mr Colman said.

The reward offer will be left until the end of the month. – NZPA