The Press
July 5 2003

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by G Dale,
Past Chairman
Support Network for Sexually Abused Children
Rangiora, July 3

I agree wholeheartedly with J. E. Wilson's comments (June 26). 

What has to be realised here is that the children who were abused at the creche have fought their own battles with trauma. 

Unlike the Ellis camp, they do not have limitless funds and the support of the gay community, providing a continuous stream of media hype. 

This is not a gay issue. It concerns paedophiles and children. 

It is abhorrent that a high-profiled businessman should offer a cash reward for new information on the Ellis case to help prove his innocence. 

This action may well backfire as it can only serve to anger many of the "non-complainant" children who have yet to be given the opportunity to tell their story. 

Many of these children will now be young adults, and will have the courage to come forward.