The Press
July 5 2003

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by John Doherty,
(West Melton, July 3)

So prominent people have grave concerns on the Ellis verdict. I have even greater concerns that people would rather judge a person's guilt or innocence based on a book rather than a criminal trial. 

I suppose trial by author would avoid expensive court cases. Although difficulties could occur, such as in the Bain case where there were two publications with different conclusions as to guilt. Perhaps a jury could decide on which book deserves the greater media attention. 

I have not read A City Possessed, nor did I sit through the trial, so I can't comment on guilt or innocence. However, the verdict has withstood repeated examination. 

There is one point — the jury did not have the advantage of continually hearing that Mr Ellis has always declared his innocence. Clearly, if someone was guilty of such crimes, eventually they would admit it.