The Press
July 5 2003

New leads on Ellis
by Anna Claridge

Two South Islanders closely involved in the Peter Ellis case have responded to a $100,000 reward offered by publisher Barry Colman for new information on the case.

Ellis, a Christchurch Civic Creche childcare worker, was convicted of child abuse and sentenced to 10 years jail in 1993.

He spent almost seven years in prison and was freed in 2000, having always maintained his innocence.

A high-profile petition, lead by National MPs Don Brash and Katherine Rich, has called for a Commission of Inquiry.

Mr Colman was last night optimistic of a "significant result" from the information the pair had brought forward.

"We've had about 10 people come forward and we are just going through the process of checking them out. We have two different people saying they want to get stuff off their conscience. They haven't mentioned the money, so that's not a motivation, which has been heartening.

"One of these people is from
Christchurch, the other is from the South Island and both have intimate knowledge of the case."

Mr Colman said inquiries into the leads would be completed in about 10 days.