The Press
July 24 2003

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by N M Gillespie
(Bishopdale, July 17)

I hope Phil Goff finds time to read Chris Trotter's open letter (July 11). I have cause to wonder if he has even heard of the Arthur Alan Thomas case, the book and writings about it, followed by (Sir) Robert Muldoon's reaction to what he read.

Concerning the Civic Childcare Centre case, I have a letter from the Minister, dated
September 9, 2002, where he writes: "Questions of guilt and innocence in this country are not determined by authors or politicians or public opinion." Well, these influences certainly determined the eventual outcome for Thomas.

In the same letter from last year, Goff admits he had earlier "incorrectly stated that Sir Thomas Eichelbaum had talked to Peter Ellis" during the ministerial inquiry. Yet in The Press (June 19) he repeats what he has already admitted was a mistake. The Minister's blinkered attitude is deplorable and seems to border on desperation.