National Business Review
Auckland, New Zealand
July 25, 2003

Changing times or changing gender

Do you remember the terrible tale of "The Unfortunate Experiment," told by Sandra Coney and Phillida Bunkle in Metro magazine in 1987. This magazine story led to the Cervical Cancer Inquiry, presided over by (then) Judge Silvia Cartwright

One revelation that caused outrage and fury among both the campaigners and the general public was the taking of cytology specimens or smears from "the vaginal vaults" of newborn babies (under five days old) without their parents' consent

But Ms Hood reminds us that at the same time (1987) Dr Dianne Espie, of Christchurch's Child Protection Team, was examining young children entering a children's health camp for signs of sexual abuse. In 1988 she reported that "of the more than 250 children who had passed through the camp the previous year 117 had probably been sexually abused, one probably had not been and the rest were in doubt"

If you can believe that you can believe anything. Far too many did.

Dr Espie examined these health camp children, without parental consent, and for no good reason other than her evident conviction that all men were child abusers.

She used a tape measure to measure the opening in the hymens of these young girls and assumed that an opening of more than 4 mm was evidence of penetration.

Not only did parents not give their consent for such vaginal measurements but the first some of them knew that anything was going on was when police arrived to remove the children from their homes and arrest the fathers.

Some mothers were told that if they did not divorce their fathers they would never see their children again.

The test is now totally discredited. The damage remains.

Why did one set of smears cause so much outrage while another went quite unnoticed? None of the babies will have any memories of their tests, while we can reasonably assume that the health camp children knew exactly what was going on, even if they had no idea why.

If the children's commissioner has read A City Possessed why has he nothing to say?