The Herald
July 26 2003

Creche parent blasts crusade

A Christchurch Civic Creche parent says he has "absolute belief" in convicted paedophile Peter Ellis' guilt and condemns the high-profile campaign to clear him.

The man, whose daughter disclosed abuse, but whose evidence was not used in court, has spoken out just as
Auckland publisher Barry Colman threatens to print transcripts of the children's testimony in Sunday newspapers as part of his campaign to clear Ellis.

Child, Youth and Family is taking legal advice over Mr Colman's plans to publish the testimonies, obtained after publicity about a $100,000 reward for fresh information on the case.

The father, who cannot be identified, said the campaign to quash Ellis' convictions was "ill-informed and hurtful".

He said the swelling high-profile belief in Ellis' innocence ignored the facts leading to his conviction and showed scant regard for his victims.

People had rushed to make a judgment about Ellis based on a "book and seeing something in the media".

He said his daughter, now at university, refused to talk or even "think about" what happened at the Civic Creche. But he said the trial was being brought up so often there was no avoiding it.

"The victims have been forgotten about. Peter Ellis got a few years, but we've got a life sentence."

Mr Colman claimed publication of the transcripts would "expose how pathetic, flimsy and one-sided the evidence against Ellis was".