
Newstalk ZB News
August 2 2003   08:14 PM

Ellis Case Testimony To Be Published

Businessman Barry Colman is defending his decision to publish children's testimony from the Peter Ellis case.

He is taking out a two-page newspaper ad in the Sunday Star Times as part of the campaign to clear the convicted paedophile.

Mr Colman says the so-called toddler testimonials will show that evidence in the Christchurch Civic Creche case was biased.

He says it might be painful for the families involved to read the evidence, but they must remember the pain that has been inflicted on Ellis.

Barry Colman says the children were interviewed up to six times, and their stories changed significantly.

But he says the parents, not the children, are to blame for the harm done in this case.

Child Youth and Family's Shannon Pakura says she is worried the ad will stop other children from speaking out against sex abuse.

She says one parent in the Ellis case told her it will be hard to relive the pain.