Sunday Star Times
August 3 2003

TheToddler Testimonies
Transcripts of Interviews with child witnesses

B, aged 6
1st Interview
Recorded 14.5.92
excerpts played to jury.

A          He smacked my bum

Q          And he smacked your bum. yeah?

A          Real hard

Q          Real hard.
I wonder why he smacked your bum

A          I can’t remember. I don’t. I remember he smacked it.

Q          Right so where, did you have clothes on?

A          He pulled down my pants because I had to get changed.

Q          Oh why did you have to get changed ...?

A          Because I did poos in my bum, that was when I was really really very little.

Q          You had done poos?

A          Yeah

Q          In your pants?

A          Yep.

Q          Right, so was um, were you getting changed by yourself or was, was Peter helping you or what?

A          Peter was doing it.

Q          Yeah so he pulled down your pants?

A          Yeah.

Q          And then what happened?

A          What do you mean what happened.

Q          Well, he pulled down, you went you were in the toilet with Peter?

A          Yeah

Q          Because you were little?

A          Yep.

Q          And so did your pants come right off or just some just a wee way off?

A          Just a wee way off.

Q          Mm and what was Peter doing?

A          Changing me.

Q          Changing you right and you said that he smacked your bum?

A          Yeah

Q          And he wobbled your penis, ah wobbled your dick?

A          Yep.

Q          So you don’t remember whether Peter said anything, you don’t remember that you said anything?

A          Neither of us said anything

Q          Right so when he wobbled your dick, how did he do that, can you explain that to me?

A          He just got his hand and wobbled it side to side.

Q          Ah ha and um did that feel like it was an okay thing or not okay?

A          It wasn’t okay

Q          It wasn’t okay so?

A          Well now it’s not but then it tickled

Q          Were there ever any other times when when um when things like that happened?

A          No not really. I know this other guy that left.

Q          Yeah, what was his name?

A          I think it was [male name]. I can’t remember.

Q          Mmm and did he used to be a teacher there too?

A          Yeah, he he went away for same thing as Peter.

Q          Did he oh. And um did you like [him]?

A          Yep.

Q          Yeah.

A          I didn’t even know he did that.

Q          Right, so how do you know that he did the same thing as Peter?

A          Cos my mum and dad told me.

Q          Right, so when Peter was, um, in the toilet with you that time was the door open or shut?

A          He, I didn’t go in there, he’d, there was this board and it had something like you put babies on because I was just a baby then and he put me on there and then changed me.

Q          Mm mmm. And so can you remember whether the door was open the toilet door was open or shut?

A          Oh well I can’t remember.

Q          Were you standing when he wobbled your dick, well were you standing or sitting?

A          No I was lying on there.

Q          Sorry

A          I was lying on there

Q          You were lying on the on that?

A          Board

Q          Right, so you were lying on the board when he when he, um, wobbled your dick and so where was Peter was he standing or sitting or or what?

A          He was standing.

Q          Yeah and um and he took your pants off?

A          Oh yeah he only pulled them down to about there.

Q          Pulled your pants down to there and and that and then what happened next?

A          Oh

Q          Pulled your pants down to about there and then what happened?

A          And then he pulled it there

Q          Yeah

A          And he and then he, um wobbled my dick and then he brought me back into the creche.

Q          Right, so he wobbled your dick and then he changed you and then he brought you back into the creche and whereabouts was it that he smacked your bottom

A          In the toilets but that was another time.

Q          That was another time, oh, okay.

A          ....because when I, um, when I did go in there.

Q          Ah ha, right, so was it the same day or a different day?

A          It was a different day but when he smacked my bottom I felt, yeah, I was still in there.

Q          Mm mmm, so when he wobbled your dick you were lying like that and he had taken your pants down?

A          ... I was going like that.

Q          Mmm ...take your finger out of your mouth ... and you were lying like that and he took your pants down to about there and wobbled your dick and then changed your pants

A          And then he

Q          And then took, you went back out to the creche.


Q          Well do you think there's anything else  ... that that you need to tell me about creche and about Peter?

A          No

Q          So that's the things that you told [person's name] too, aye?

A          Yep.

Q          Mmm, okay, so you think that's that's absolutely everything about the things you told [person's name] and Mum about Peter and the creche. Can you remember any other things happening that you didn't like?

A          There was no other things anyway.

Q          There was no other things?

A          Nope,