The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 1-15

The Dominion Post
August 9, 2003

As credible as abductions
Letter to the Editor
by Bernard Robertson  (Karori)

Your editorial on the Peter Ellis case (August 5) was little short of disgraceful, suggesting that the integrity of the justice system can be preserved by sweeping these matters under the carpet.

This, I suspect, is behind a lot of the current opposition to an inquiry. The difference between the Ellis case and a lot of other so-called miscarriages of justice is that if the Ellis conviction falls, a lot of other convictions fall, too.

A recent Court of Appeal case ruling evidence inadmissible shows that psychologists are still routinely giving nonsense evidence in court.

If you trouble to read the Court of Appeal decisions, you will see that each was focused on specific evidence and suffered from procedural limitations. Those limitations are the sort of thing one might expect journalists to be interested in and campaign about.

Sir Thomas Eichelbaum went beyond his terms of reference in his conclusion and if the process he followed had resulted in a judicial decision, it would be thrown out on appeal as being one-sided. He was advised by a Canadian "expert" in satanic ritual abuse, a subject that has about as much credibility as alien abductions.

The whole point about the jury verdict is that the jury was hoodwinked by not being allowed to see the evidence the public is now being shown. I thought journalists were supposed to be interested in ferreting out the truth. What value are you pursuing instead?