The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 1-15

The Press
August 9, 2003

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by G Mutch, (Ilam, August 6)

Sir--If Arthur Allan Thomas is following the Peter Ellis saga, he must be counting his lucky stars that Phil Goff wasn't around during his fight for justice.

Nothing fazes Mr Goff. He calmly accepts the theory that the testimony of young children is perfectly reliable (August 4) even when it is highly contradictory, inconsistent, and interwoven with "bizarre fantasies".

It seems that everything is consistent with the reliability of this sort of testimony and nothing is inconsistent with it.

When would the testimony of an impressionable young child ever be deemed unreliable, and thus save an accused from incarceration? And how would any of Mr Goff's "experts" know?

If logic and common sense can't be the criteria for determining such a matter, justice can never be immune from the dictates of the ideologue, fundamentalist, or shaman.