The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 1-15

Sunday Star Times
August 10, 2003

The story so far

  December 1991: Peter Ellis is suspended from the Civic Childcare Centre after one woman claims her son has been sexually abused by him.

  June 1993: Ellis is found guilty of 16 out of 25 charges of abusing children in his care. Sentenced to 10 years' jail.

  September 1994: Court of Appeal rejects Ellis' appeal.

  June 1995: Government rejects call for inquiry.

  December 1997: Lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, files first petition to the governor-general seeking pardon for Ellis.

  March 1998: Parole for Ellis considered but rejected.

  November 1998: Ablett-Kerr files second petition to the governor-general seeking pardon, a widening of the terms of appeal, and a royal commission of inquiry into the case.

  May 1999: Governor-general declines pardon but grants request to widen terms of appeal.

  July 1999: Appeal hearing begins.

  October 1999: Appeal court turns down second appeal but recommends a commission of inquiry to investigate aspects of the case.

  February 2000: Ellis released from Paparua Prison.

  March 2000: Justice Minister Phil Goff announces ministerial inquiry into the reliability of children's evidence.

  March 2001: Report of the ministerial inquiry is released. Sir Thomas Eichelbaum says Ellis fails by a distinct margin to prove his innocence.

  September 2001: Lynley Hood's book A City Possessed is released, which indicates no crimes took place at the creche and Ellis was the victim of a mass panic in Christchurch.

  June 2003: A petition of 100 high-profile New Zealanders calls for a commission of inquiry into the case. Publisher Barry Colman offers a $100,000 reward for new information leading to such an inquiry.

Whats next

A petition calling for a commission of inquiry goes before a parliamentary select committee.

Judith Ablett-Kerr seeks leave to appeal to Privy Council.