The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 16-31

NZ Herald
August 18, 2003

The Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by Jeffrey Masson and Emma Davies

Lynley Hood's response to our critique of her book reveals just how comfortable she is distorting the truth. The information in our critique comes from peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal for the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Psychological Bulletin, and the Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect.

Hood describes us both as "supporters of recovered memory therapy". What has recovered memory to do with it? Our review does not mention it. Besides, one of us (Jeffrey Masson) has written a book called Against Therapy, in which all forms of professional therapy are criticised. The other (Emma Davies) is neither a therapist nor has she ever made a public statement on recovered memory.

In claiming that "recovered memory therapy" is the same as "abuse focussed therapy" she again misconstrues the literature. Most abused people enter therapy with a clear memory of abuse; most have never forgotten their experience.

Hood ends her letter with a sideswipe at the "sex abuse industry". This is a meaningless derogatory term used to discredit those who work in the child protection system and those who work with survivors of abuse.

Hood's letter reinforces our view that she is untrustworthy in her analysis of the issues involved in child sexual abuse.