The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 16-31

The Press
August 19, 2003

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by Richard Christie, (Addington, August 15)

Rosemary McLeod's article on Peter Ellis (August 14) contained factual errors.

At the time of his arrest, Ellis was a qualified and experienced preschool teacher, contrary to McLeod's claim that he was unqualified in this area.

Ellis was also subject to regular and suitable supervision both during his training and post training. This was carried out in the similar manner to that of scores of other preschool teachers throughout New Zealand.

The creche was subject to the usual ERO and Ministry of Education controls and inspections. Even after the initial allegation, the Civic passed an ERO review commendably.

The Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre placed a high priority on preschool education and in fact preferred not to be referred to as a creche.

In such an emotionally charged case, it is unfortunate that McLeod's column serves only to further the spread of misinformation and inflame ill-informed biases.