The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 16-31

The Dominion Post
August 20, 2003

Brave young people
Letter to the Editor
by Judith McDougall  (Registered psychologist, Wellington)

The words "dismayed" and "outraged" used by author Lynley Hood (August 18) to describe her reaction to the former Christchurch Civic Creche children who spoke out to verify their experience of abuse from Peter Ellis raises the question of who is operating in a climate of hysteria.

Hood's assumption that she knows what happened is arrogant and indicates ignorance of the complex psychological factors associated with the experience of sexual abuse during early childhood. Has Hood ever talked to a child who's been abused?

The adolescents who bravely spoke out need to be commended for their integrity in the face of a campaign that appears to be driven by hysteria and limited information.

Working in what Hood disparagingly calls "the sexual abuse industry" for the past 25 years has taught me to keep an open mind and to value scientific concepts. Because of the level of their cognitive development and understanding of the world, small children cannot present verbal material in the same logical and coherent way that adults do.

There is much research that indicates this in no way invalidates their testimony. The way the information has now been presented by these brave young people would support their earlier evidence.

The Dominion Post
August 20, 2003

Finally, I was heard
Letter to the Editor
by "Tom"  (Christchurch)

I was recently interviewed by Dominion Post feature writer Linley Boniface (Weekend Magazine, August 16-17). I was given the opportunity to tell my story as a survivor of Peter Ellis' abuse for the first time.

I find this very difficult to talk about, but it was made easier for me because of the respect Linley gave me. I felt for the first time that a journalist wanted to hear the truth from a survivor of Ellis.

Thank you for publishing the article about my story. Linley made it a lot easier for me to talk about some very painful and personal information. Finally, I have felt heard and respected by the media.

The Dominion Post
August 20, 2003

Convinced by children
Letter to the Editor
by Robin Warnes  (Raumati Beach) (Abridged)

Until I read your article, I am sick of being called a liar (Weekend Magazine, August 16-17), I doubted Peter Ellis' conviction. The victims of Christchurch Civic Creche spoke of the fear they experienced and of ongoing nightmares and sexual disorders. The article disclosed the emotional fallout and behavioural problems.

The victim named Tom made sexual references that were way beyond his age at that time. Katrina's mother spoke of a genital rash that persisted. The emotional descriptions and body language displayed by these children during video evidence were very striking to the trial jury. It has been claimed by Ellis supporters that there is "no clear evidence" of abuse.

The evidence has become very clear. I hope the children who have spoken out are granted the funding they deserve so they can attend the parliamentary select committee hearing. Their courage in speaking out has to be commended. Paedophiles are excellent manipulators and Ellis might be no exception.