The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 16-31

The Press
August 21, 2003

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by David Dawe (Prebbleton, Aug 18)

If Peter Ellis is a homosexual and a paedophile he would be an unusual person. Of all the paedophile cases reported in the media, I have never seen a reference to a homosexual paedophile.

Indeed, sexual abuse of children appears to be by family members or clergy and they all seem to be heterosexual.

In addition, the classic paedophile usually has a large collection of photographs or computer images of children. None of this was presented as evidence against Peter Ellis.

The Press
August 21, 2003

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by B P Wall (Timaru, Aug 17)

Two good things happened last weekend.

First, the published interview with the two Christchurch Civic Creche children -- a memorable and incredibly moving story. And second, the sight on television of writer Lynley Hood's trademark smile fading as Brian Edwards stripped bare her shallow defence of Peter Ellis' "innocence".

We owe enormous gratitude to "Katrina" and "Tom", and their parents, for what must have been a harrowing, but we hope, a therapeutic experience for them.

Perhaps the "Ellis is innocent" campaigners will now retire while they still have some dignity.

That was one side of the creche case. On the other side, resulting from Ellis' sexual abuse of some children, lives were irrevocably changed, marriages tested, tears shed, and friends lost.

None of this happened in a vacuum and justice has been done. It's time to heal the scars.

The Press
August 21, 2003

In a Few Words
Letter to the Editor
by Catherine Pratt

If people who signed the petition in favour of Peter Ellis have read the article in the Press on Saturday, they should apologise to "Tom and Katrina" and their parents for believing a lie. We admire Phil Goff for standing firm in not having another enquiry.