The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 16-31

Newstalk ZB
August 23, 2003

New hope for Ellis supporters

Ellis supporters pin hopes on hearing by parliament's justice select committee- publisher Barry Colman will help with costs

Peter Ellis supporters are pinning their hopes on a hearing by parliament's justice select committee into the conviction of the former Christchurch Civic Creche worker.

Some of the people who were the children at the time are to testify.

Their expenses are being met partly by the Children's Commissioner, and Ellis supporter Barry Colman.

The millionaire publisher says the parliamentary committee looks like the best option.

He says it has become the priority because the justice minister, Phil Goff, won't agree to a commission of inquiry.

Newstalk ZB
August 24, 2003

Colman has misgivings

Ellis campaigner Barry Colman has misgivings over creche case children testifying to select committee

Millionaire publisher Barry Colman has misgivings over former Christchurch Civic Creche children testifying to a parliamentary select committee, which is to review the case,.

The hearing is into the conviction of former creche worker Peter Ellis.

Mr Colman is helping to meet the travel and legal expenses of a number of the former children who are prepared to give evidence.

Their attendance is being backed by retiring Children's Commissioner Roger McClay.

Barry Colman questions the wisdom of calling them, especially as none was named in the transcripts he had published.

And campaigners say they are being overwhelmed by support following the publication of transcripts of children's evidence in a Sunday newspaper.