The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 16-31

Sunday Star Times
August 24

Denial of justice a money matter
Letter to the Editor
by Ron Jones (Auckland)

There are those that think the Ellis case (August 17) affected only Peter. What this unjust conviction did was make it impossible for any male to consider working in any environment where there are young children, hence the continued lack of teachers in our primary and intermediate schools.

Male parents are accused of sexual attacks on their children based only on the word of an accuser with little to nil evidence.

We live in an age where every wrong of the past is dragged out into the open, millions of dollars change hands to supposedly correct these wrongs, yet this newspaper weekly exposes modern wrongs that the government ignores.

For example, Minister Goff (I omit Justice) requires Ellis to bring forth new evidence. Justice is supposed to convict a person beyond reasonable doubt. It is the crown's job to do this. It is clear in the interviews that there were alleged to be secret doors and rooms, that Ellis, his friends, his mother and the female staff were all supposed to be involved.

Now of course we can assume the police brought to court (as happened in another case) the trap door, photos of the secret room, the hooks and the various items used to push up the children's private places. Was blood stained clothing produced? A lot of kicking and smacking is alleged to have taken place, bruises must have been all over these little bodies. Did the police produce such photographic evidence? I have not read of any.

Perhaps Goff wants Ellis to prove it was not his DNA or fingerprints on the trap door, or prove beyond a reasonable doubt he did not have a secret room. Common sense and police searches prove the trap door, the secret room, the instruments to poke private parts did not exist. Without such evidence, there is no case.

Goff knows if this case is discredited, the government will have to pay out and that would never do. Only selected folk get compensation - the parents of the children, for example.