The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 16-31

The Press
August 25 2003

Justice system, not victims, should be on trial
Letter to the Editor
by C J Watson 
(Picton,  Aug 22)

Sir--Rosemary McLeod's second diatribe on the Ellis case leads me to wonder if it is not time that she was put out to pasture.

Surely the argument is not about Peter Ellis or the alleged "victims", but about a system of justice that cannot, or will not, make any attempt to correct itself.

If the case is sound, as Goff and McLeod would have us believe, then why is there this resistance to an impartial and complete inspection of it?

The Press
August 25 2003

Justice system, not victims, should be on trial
Letter to the Editor
by Max Podstolski 
(Cashmere, Aug 22)

Hell hath no fury like Rosemary McLeod on a self-righteous crusade.

Her diatribe against Lynley Hood and anyone who has defended Peter Ellis (August 21) does nothing to enlighten and everything to reinforce prejudices.

Likening their defence to "paedophile talk", she pronounces them guilty of a "campaign of abuse" against the civic creche children.

Highly emotive and inflammatory words.

Repeatedly McLeod castigates Ellis' defenders for branding the children liars. Her entire argument rests on this unfounded assertion, though the real issue underpinning his defence is the internationally established phenomenon of false memory, defined as: "An apparent recollection of something that one did not actually experience, especially sexual abuse during infancy or childhood, often arising from suggestion implanted during counselling or psychotherapy." (A Dictionary of Psychology, Oxford, 2001).

The children are definitely not liars, but victims of mass hysteria fomented by what I consider manipulative therapists and legal ineptitude.