The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003  Aug 16-31

The Press
August 26, 2003

Ellis case
Letter to the Editor
by B H Howard  (Cashmere, Aug 22)

Sir--One could have hoped that, after demonstrating her ignorance of both Peter Ellis' job qualifications and the difference between a homosexual and a paedophile, Rosemary McLeod would have withdrawn from a debate for which she is clearly unqualified.

But no, she is back (August 21), this time with erroneous views on memory and the meaning of "liar".

To lie is to say what one knows to be untrue, so to relate a memory cannot be lying.

This is so, even if the memory is a false one.

Those of us who suggest the possibility that the children in the Civic Creche case may be harbouring false memories do not doubt their sincerity.