The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Sept

Dominion Post
September 1 2003

Who leaked the transcripts?
Letter to the Editor
by S Libeau  (Invercargill)

I admire "Tom" and "Katrina" in the Peter Ellis case. They are both so brave to come forward after the suffering they have experienced.

I would like them to know that they do have some legal rights in the situation they are now in. They may like to know that the Evidence (Videotaping of Child Complainants) Regulations 1990 and its amendments apply to them as complainants. Under the regulations, police have custody of a master tape of the complainants' diagnostic/evidential interviews, a working tape and a transcript of the interviews.

When a criminal conviction is considered, the prosecutor is required to give the defendant's solicitor a copy of the transcript (of the tapes) at least seven days before the hearing.

Otherwise, the police hold the tapes and transcripts in safe custody, showing them only to the defendant, the complainant, their solicitors or the police for purposes relating to the crime.

The rules are that the tapes can be shown, but not copied or disseminated to any third party.

There has been a vague hint that a transcript went missing during the case and I have no doubt that someone leaked these transcripts.

The question is, who did? And why has the Government not fulfilled its duty to these two victims of crime by ensuring that no one connected to the case or the court could take copies of the transcripts and then pass them on?