The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Sept

NZ Parliament
Questions for Written Answer

9357 (2003).
Dr Don Brash to the Minister of Justice
(11 September 2003):
Has he ever received media advice or training from Dr Brian Edwards; if so, on what dates?

Hon Phil Goff (Minister of Justice) replied:
I have not received media advice or training from Dr Brian Edwards or anyone else since becoming a Minister in December 1999.

9356 (2003).
Dr Don Brash to the Minister of Justice
(11 September 2003):
Following his reply to question for written answer No 8742 (2003), did
either he or Dr Brian Edwards make mention of the interview Dr Edwards had had with Lynley Hood on "Edwards at Large" on the previous Saturday night; if so, what was said?

Hon Phil Goff (Minister of Justice) replied:
No. At the time I was not aware that such an interview had taken place.

9355 (2003).
Dr Don Brash to the Minister of Justice
(11 September 2003):
Following his reply to question for written answer No 8742 (2003), did he or any of his staff contact Dr Brian Edwards in preparing the reply; if not, does he think it then fair and reasonable that he detail Dr Edwards' conversation with him?

Hon Phil Goff (Minister of Justice) replied:
Yes. Because the question asked about a brief casual conversation held during a chance encounter, I thought it only fair and reasonable to have my office contact Dr Edwards before making public the contents of a private conversation. Dr Edwards agreed that my recollection of the conversation was accurate.

9354 (2003).
Dr Don Brash to the Minister of Justice
(11 September 2003):
Following his reply to question for written answer No 8742 (2003), has he, or
any of his staff, provided any information to Dr Brian Edwards concerning the Christchurch Civic Creche case in the last three months, other than at the airport on 21 August 2003; if so, on what dates, what was the information, and who supplied it?

Hon Phil Goff (Minister of Justice) replied:

8743 (2003).
Dr Don Brash to the Minister of Justice
(28 August 2003):

Has he been privy to any information in the Christchurch Civic Creche case that has not been publicly available; if so, under what circumstances?

Hon Phil Goff (Minister of Justice) replied:
The Ministry of Justice holds a large volume of files relating to the Christchurch Civic Creche case. Much of the information in those files has been made publicly available or has been released in response to Official Information Act requests. However, there is some information, to which I have been privy, that is not suitable for release under the Official Information Act. This information includes, for example, the names and personal contact details of child complainants and their families, which are subject to a court suppression order.

8742 (2003).
Dr Don Brash to the Minister of Justice
(28 August 2003):
What communication has he had, if any, with Dr Brian Edwards about the Christchurch Civic Creche case in the last three months, on what dates, and what, if any, information did he provide Dr Edwards?

Hon Phil Goff (Minister of Justice) replied:
My only meeting with Dr Edwards in recent months occurred by chance at Auckland domestic airport as we walked off a plane together to collect luggage. The date was Thursday, 21 August 2003. I recall Dr Edwards mentioning the Christchurch Civic Creche case, saying that after reading Dr Hood's book a second time he had reservations about her argument and conclusions. My comments were to the effect that matters of guilt or innocence should be decided judicially, not by politicians, journalists or authors. I also reiterated my view that because no evidence had been presented that had not already been properly considered by the Court I had no basis under the Royal Prerogative process to recommend further inquiry into the case.