The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Sept

International Conference on Trauma, Attachment and Dissociation
Transforming Trauma: Critical, controversial and core issues
September 14 2003

Child Abuse, Hallucinations & Delusions:
A Post-Traumatic Dissociative Psychosis?

by Dr John Read

(The following is an extract from Read's speech.
A transcript of Read's full speech is available on this site:
Refer "Focus on People; John Read )

……….In New Zealand currently we have a bizarre case where, I would call in hysteria in the other way in fact, hysteria around a particular case that has been to trial, appeal court, two reviews, and still we have people all over New Zealand jumping up and down signing petitions asking for a third review.

We have a book by Lynley Hood which is the core of this campaign which has received book awards, which just two weeks ago received a doctorate of literature from Dunedin University.

This is a woman that writes that Christchurch where this all happened is a particularly likely place for a prosecution like this to happen because it's so flat. [long pause, scattered titters from audience] Takes a while to sink in.

What she meant was that social movements and hysteria are whipped up easily in places that are flat because you can get to the meetings more easily, and her evidence for this was that the suffragettes in New Zealand started there also. ……