The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Sept

The Daily News
September 17, 2003

Spin-tutor Edwards is out of order in displaying politics

Brian Edwards and his wife, Judy Callingham, are Prime Minister Helen Clark and her Cabinet's media trainers. They intensively schooled and groomed Miss Clark ahead of her 1999 general election victory. Former TV current affairs interviewer, talk-back radio and TV host and columnist Edwards is also the author of a flattering biography of Miss Clark's life and political career. After tutoring sessions with gaffe-prone Broadcasting Minister Marian Hobbs, audio-visual consultant and scriptwriter Callingham was appointed to the board of New Zealand On Air last year. She was a member of the board when her husband applied for, and won, $190,000 funding for 12 Edwards At Large magazine shows currently screening on TV One -- although Callingham is on record as stepping aside from that decision-making process.

Brian Edwards had earlier written a letter for Marian Hobbs in which he encouraged her to provide extra funds for Prime TV, which was at the time considering a programme for him. Edwards says he cannot remember if he ever sent the letter, which somehow found its way into the hands of Act Party streetfighter Rodney Hide, but which cannot be found among the Broadcasting Minister's files.

Edwards' Saturday night hour is usually a wander among the arts and literary set, and the public and quirky folk who pop into news prominence. His gentle banter and ability to draw information from strangers reveals a little of the interviewing skills that rocketed him to current affairs prominence as a polarising intellectual provocateur in the 1970s. He should have known better than to have invited on to his show the Opposition MP who had so offended him by apparently joining up too many dots in the Callingham-Edwards-Government imbroglio. It was never likely to be a fireside chat and, indeed, the August interview quickly turned into a tense affair, but between two debating equals. A month later, Edwards did something similar when he grilled Christchurch Civic Creche case author Lynley Hood, whose book about Peter Ellis is proving to be a thorn in the Labour Government's side.

Both Hide and Hood complained to TVNZ, alleging imbalance, bias and excessive aggression on what purports to be a lifestyle programme. The Act MP has received a small apology from TVNZ chief executive Ian Fraser, who admitted he "shared responsibility" for the programme's breach of duty regarding personal impartiality. The inference is that Edwards should also share the apology, but he refuses to have a bar of it -- in fact deliberately cranking up the level of animosity. He is out of order. Brian Edwards is an avowed Labour supporter and he should have had the sense to avoid situations that show it on publicly-funded TV.