The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Sept

NZ Parliament
Justice and Electoral Committee
17 September 2003

Media release
Petition of Lynley Jane Hood and Dr Don Brash and 807 others

The committee has made a number of decisions with regard to this petition:

  • It is neither our role nor intention to inquire into Peter Ellis’ guilt or innocence. Our function is not judicial.

  • We consider that the key issue for us to determine is whether or not the Christchurch Civic crèche case raises concerns of sufficient significance to justify a Royal Commission, with its concomitant resources, independence, and expertise.

  • We will initially hear from the chief petitioners and the Ministry of Justice, and will seek comments from both parties on each other’s submissions.

We will not rehear the case. The petition simply requests ‘the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to inquire into the investigation and legal processes relating to the Christchurch Civic Creche case’. To establish if this has merit we will consider:

  • whether there is a need for any changes to police and other investigative procedures, the law or to criminal justice processes that could justify setting up a Royal Commission, and

  • whether any such need has been adequately addressed by the previous investigations, or could be adequately served now by normal governmental processes or advisers.

We also discussed the participation in the Select Committee process of Members of Parliament who are signatories to the petition. There are no procedural grounds upon which the committee can require any members to disqualify themselves. Individual members must decide for themselves whether their participation might affect the committee’s work.

The committee will report its findings to Parliament, including any recommendations that the committee may wish to make to the Government as to action that it should take. The Government is required to respond to any such recommendations within 90 days of the report being presented to the House of Representatives.

Justice and Electoral Committee

Contact for further details:
Tim Barnett (Chairperson) on
( (04) 471 9999 or
Louise Sparrer, Clerk of Committee on
( (04) 471 9032 or [email protected]