The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Sept

The Dominion Post
September 23, 2003

Proper role of MPs
Letter to the Editor
by Tighe Instone  (Tangimoana)

Opposition leader Bill English is right to distance himself from the actions of the two National MPs who signed a petition calling for a royal commission of inquiry into the 1993 conviction of Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis (Sept 19).

They and other MPs who have signed the petition (26 in all) are muddying the waters that separate the legislature from the judicial system.

ACT NZ list MP Stephen Franks' refusal to step down from the parliamentary select committee considering the petition is even more of a scandal.

His signature on the petition provides documented proof of his conflict of interest, and he must stand down.

MPs are elected to Parliament to implement the will of the people, not to decide for the people what their will is. I do not believe that it is part of their role to organise and sign petitions to the Parliament of which they are part.