The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports Index

2003 Sept

NZ Herald
September 26, 2003

Ellis commission needed
Letter to the Editor
by Alan Wilkinson, Russell

Unfortunately, Peter Ellis needs aggressive defence against the emotional blackmail exercised by some "child abuse" fanatics.

It should be unnecessary, but is not to re-emphasise that both genuine victims of abuse and victims of false accusations will benefit from improving reliability and public confidence in the way these cases are handled and by distinguishing the competent and rational from incompetent and/or emotionally entangled professionals.

Apart from the above reason, and from the necessity to right the wrong done to Peter Ellis, there is another important reason to have a royal commission investigation. The Herald has been highlighting the damage that the Peter Ellis case has done to the primary and preschool teaching professions. Men are too afraid of being falsely accused of sexual abuse to enter these professions. Education of boys, in particular, is reaching a crisis in underachievement caused by the unbalanced feminisation of schools.

Moreover, men reject the excessive politically correct official guidelines regarding protecting themselves against possible accusations of abuse as being unnatural, unrealistic in practice and destructive of their relationships with children.

It is hard to conceive a more important issue of community concern. The establishment of such a commission must not be blocked by selfish elements of professions who do not like to be challenged in public.