The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports

March 7 2004

The Eichelbaum Report Scandal

3 March 2004
Third World Justice in New Zealand.

Eichelbaum acknowledges that the Thorp report (that Phil Goff has insisted was always public) was indeed not public.  He asks Sim if he should ignore that Report
(May 12, 2000; Eichelbaum to Val Sim)

Val Sim replies, and surprise, surprise, agrees that the "safest course" will be to ignore Thorp. Readers can now understand better by reading (on this site) the Thorp report themselves
(May 25, 2000: Val Sim to Eichelbaum)

How Eichelbaum was hoodwinked by the Ministry of Justice with reasons to "discount" any expert who may have disagreed with the Crown.  This report sounds more and more like a Communist "free election".
(June 2, 2000: Val Sim to Eichelbaum)

Eichelbaum lists recommended experts; writes to Sim: "I'll telephone to discuss the next move". (No paper trail)
This guy was supposedly independent! More evidence that the Inquiry was orchestrated, and Eichelbaum was a pawn.
(June 7, 2000; Eichelbaum to Val Sim)

Refer Documents Eichelbaum Report Files

7 March 2004
Eichelbaum Inquiry Correspondence revealed

Read about the process of appointing the "experts" to Eichelbaum's "Inquiry"

Read about the mystery of the appointment of Louise Sas:  With no nomination, or known recommendation from anybody, the name Louise Sas appears out of the woodwork, and in a few days she is appointed as supposedly one of the top two experts in the field in the world!        What Dirty Tricks were involved?  

Read how Eichelbaum, supposedly one of the top judges in New Zealand, and responsible for the Inquiry, appeared willing to be led by Val Sim and Michael Petherick - a couple of officials within the Ministry of Justice.

Read how Val Sim justified "discounting" all the experts that she didn't want to advise Eichelbaum!

Read what Ablett Kerr had to say about Eichelbaum's rejection of Ceci and Bruck as experts.

Read of the influence of Professor Thomas Lyon as advisor to Eichelbaum. Eichelbaum presumably was ignorant of the controversial nature of the work of Lyon.

This site says that the credibility of Eichelbaum's report lies in tatters.   Was the whole process a setup? And if so, by who?