The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports

March 11, 2004

Dalziel pulls out of Ellis probe
Editorial, Opinion

This site applauds the actions of Lianne Dalziel in at last being honest; coming clean and declaring her relationships with the Ellis case.  (March 11, 2004; The Press). What is still not clear is the influence that she has already had on the case while she was a senior member of the Government, with justice responsibilities.

Before Goff became Minister of Justice, he was one of very few people who were openly calling for an inquiry into the case. In cabinet his U-turn on the subject has been seen as almost bizarre, especially considering the calls for an inquiry by an extremely large number of influential New Zealanders.

This site can only speculate as to the influence that Goff's close colleague, Dalziel has had before she today at last declared that she "has a personal connection to two children who attended the creche". Has Goff's loyalties been toward his colleague, and not to the public of New Zealand?

The leader of the Green Party, Rod Donald, has previously acknowledged that his own children attended the Christchurch Civic Creche.  However this site is also aware of yet another very senior politician who has similar close links to Dalziel to the Christchurch Civic Creche case, who has never declared those links. If justice is ever going to be done, one of the first steps on that journey will be for all politicians to declare their links openly