The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports

March 26 2004

More on the Eichelbaum Report Scandal

This site earlier reported that A Ministry of Justice file note shows that two public servants (Michael Petherick and Val Sim) "provided some information about Dr Louise Sas" to Eichelbaum on the 13 June 2000. Earlier reports discuss the extraordinary nature of this "information" given that no party had previously recommended her, and these same public servants had previously "discounted" far more eligible candidates.

This site has now learned that the Minister of Justice claims to have no record of where Sas name originated from.  It seems nobody wants to take responsibility for involving Sas

This site says

"The coverup over how Sas came to be appointed is not good enough Goff -

You, or somebody that works for you must know how Sas name dropped conveniently into the hands of Petherick and Sim. 

The decision to use Sas was extraordinary, and there must be accountability for that decision, and for the actions of your own staff

The Eichelbaum report is starting to smell very rotten"