The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports


The Press
June 3, 2004

Drinking age
Letter to the Editor
by W Moffitt (
Parklands, May 20)

So the rather silly idea to reduce the drinking age to 18 has finally backfired.

At least Jim Anderton has had the courage to admit that he made a mistake.

When this unwise change in the law was first mooted, a majority of MPs did not consider the fact that up to 20 per cent of our teenage population were barely literate, playing truant, unemployed or just plain destructive.

For this group to be given legal access to liquor was always going to be a problem.

Phil Goff has said that the law will not be changed, which is consistent with his head in the sand attitude to the Peter Ellis case.

This is rather sad as he has always appeared to be one of the more intelligent members of the Labour Party.

Let us hope that the rest of Parliament can follow the lead of Jim Anderton.