The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 1 (Jan-Mar)


The Press
March 29, 2005.

Boot on other foot
Letter to the Editor
by Karen Zelas, Merivale

It is ironic that Lynley Hood is distressed that Creative New Zealand has described her doctorate as being honorary (rather than examined), since this would damage her reputation (Mar 21).

In her book A City Possessed, about the Christchurch Civic Creche case, she made a similarly inaccurate statement about my principal psychiatric qualification being "grand-fathered" rather than examined.

Together with other inaccurate and misleading comments and the generally deprecating tone of her writing, I might well have thought she made the error deliberately.

It's different when the boot is on the other foot, isn't it, Lynley?