The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 2 (Apr-July)


The Press
April 6 2005

A City Shamed
Letter to the Editor
by John Blumsky, Waikuku

The severe heart attack suffered by Peter Ellis at the weekend should be a poignant reminder to us all how seriously flawed some of our democratic systems are.

Ellis’s inability to gain justice since his Civic Creche conviction some 10 years ago has sapped his resolve.

That government agencies and their political masters have allowed this case to be shut down in a select committee for over two years is a disgrace and I am skeptical about its July completion.

That all politicians have surrendered their integrity to an apathetic electorate is unconscionable. But perhaps more apt would be that Hood’s book A City Possessed should be retitled A City Shamed.