The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 2 (Apr-July)

David Farrar Blog
April 19 2005

Judith Ablett-Kerr tipped as National candidate
by David Farrar

Radio NZ is speculating that high-profile Queen's Counsel Judith Ablett-Kerr will be a list-only candidate for National this year.

The new party rules allow only five list-only positions, with Don Brash obviously having already taken one.



by Adolf Fiinkensein ([email protected])
April 19, 2005 10:15 AM

I hope she is selected. I only half heard the radio and thought they said Judith Kirk!!! Mrs Ablett-Kerr is one of my modern-day heroines. I always felt that Peter Ellis was convicted by political correctness and contrived evidence.

by [email protected]
April 19, 2005 05:45 PM

If your report is correct, I reckon it's great news and I'm a leftie who loathes the Nats. I think Judith Ablett Kerr would be an asset to any political party and to the legislative branch of government.

I certainly don't think she'd be soft on crime but she would certainly crack down on the injustices that seem to be happening too often in our system (see: Peter Ellis). As a matter of fact, I think the Ellis case could be a way for the Nats to win votes off disillusioned liberals who are disgusted with Phil Goff's inaction on this case. By all means, punish the guilty but let's at least have a justice system that gives the accused a fair trial.

Judith Ablett Kerr could have a field day sorting out the inefficiencies in the court system that deny justice to those affected, not just defendants but victims too.