The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 2 (Apr-July)
June 27 2005

Congratulations to Martin van Beynen

Martin van Beynen wrote an article in The Press of June 25 2005, in which he acknowledged the role that he played - unwittingly - in having an influence on the satanic panic in Christchurch at the time of Ellis' arrest.  His actions at that time were understandable. He was given stories that if true should have been publicised. The credibility of those stories was backed up a senior police officer, Laurie Gabites.  Martin van Beynen was no more duped into believing the absurd than were a significant proportion of the population.

But readers should be aware that there are very few people like Martin van Beynen, who had a role (even if small) in the satanic panic who have (a) since realised the role they did have and just as importantly, (b) acknowledged that responsibility.

To be mistaken is human. To acknowledge such mistakes openly is what makes Martin van Beynen a remarkable man.

This site wishes to stress and acknowledge the high standard and integrity of all of Martin van Beynen's reporting during the time of the Christchurch Crèche controversy, including the early reporting of information that this site strongly disagrees with and that Martin has since acknowledged as mistaken.