The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 2 (Apr-July)


The Press
July 2 2005

Another Christchurch Panic Brewing
Letter to the Editor
by Lynley Hood, Dunedin

Martin van Beynen's column on the mischief done by bizarre and unfounded ritual abuse beliefs (June 25) is timely.

He notes, "Ritual abuse by an organised ring became an underlying theme in the prosecution of Peter Ellis". As it happens, ritual abuse by an organised ring is an underlying theme in Christchurch's latest mass-allegation case.

Allegations against the St John of God brothers who ran Marylands Special School erupted in June 2002. Within weeks more than 100 former pupils had accused around 20 brothers.

On 17 March 2003, Ken Clearwater, spokesperson for the complainants, told the Southland Times that the alleged victims had endured years of ritualistic sexual torture at the hands of men supposed to help them.

Christchurch does not deserve to be torn apart again by ritual abuse hysteria. Van Beynen should turn his sceptical gaze on the panic merchants in his own city.