The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 2 (Apr-July)


The Press
July 2 2005

Cases different
Letter to the Editor
by Richard Christie, Addington

Whatever possessed the writer of your editorial (June 29) to associate the case of Peter Ellis with the Fahey and Capill cases?

Granted all three were at one stage resident in and had their cases heard in Christchurch, but there the similarities end.

Fahey and Capill both pleaded guilty to sexual violation. Ellis and his colleagues weathered the maelstrom of a fully fledged satanic ritual abuse witch-hunt and a highly suspect police investigation. Aspects of the trial processes in the Ellis case are still being hotly debated. Ellis continues to maintain his innocence, even spending an extra year in prison rather than admit to committing crimes that never happened.

NBR opinion polls reveal the majority of New Zealanders also believe he is innocent.

I don't hear any debate over whether Fahey and Capill are guilty as charged.