The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 2 (Apr-July)


The Press
July 19 2005

Too hard?
Letter to the Editor
by Nancy Sutherland, St Albans

There are still burning issues over the 1992 Civic Creche case.

A 2002 survey showed over 50 per cent believed Peter Ellis was innocent. Only 25% believed he was guilty. This reflected public rejection of decisions about the case made in the justice system. Of course evidence is what’s important, not numbers, but individuals conscientiously make their evaluations, and do so with all known matters in mind.

By mid-late 2003, more than 4000 individuals indicated they had made such evaluations, by signing the petitions of Lynley Hood-Don Brash and Gaye Davidson, and in December 2003 the Justice and Electoral committee was asked for a Royal Commission into aspects of the case. It is time that committee responded.

Authoritative redelineation of muddied realms between branches of government could be at issue. Is this all too hard for Labour? What does National think?