The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 2 (Apr-July)
July 21 2005

Justice for Ellis?
by David Farrar

I am not someone who normally doubts the soundness of convictions. David Bain, Scott Watson, David Tamihere, John Barlow - I'm very much convinced they all did it.

I even tried to think those who get off like in the Poisoned Professor case, did it. I am not normally a sceptic of the justice system.

The Peter Ellis case is the exception. I have read hundreds and hundreds of pages on this case and for a long time have been appalled about almost every aspect of this case. It is a huge dirty blot on our justice system.

I was delighted when in 2003 Katherine Rich and Don Brash started a petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the case. I went along to the press conference.

And now I am even more delighted that Dr Brash has said that should he become Prime Minister, there will be a full inquiry into the Ellis case. We need this inquiry - not just for Peter Ellis, but to restore confidence to NZers in the justice system.

Without a full inquiry, the issue will remain a festering sore.