The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index 2 (Apr-July)


July 23 2005

Brash unable to give details of Ellis case inquiry

Dunedin author Lynley Hood is not concerned about a lack of detail in a National Party promise of an inquiry into the case of Peter Ellis.

National leader Don Brash promised an inquiry last week in an e-mail to Christchurch-based Ellis supporter, music tutor Richard Christie.

In 2003, Dr Brash began a petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the matter, but he has stopped short of promising such an inquiry if National gains power after the next election.

A spokeswoman said yesterday he was "not in a position to elaborate on the form any inquiry would take".

She said Dr Brash had not had the opportunity to take advice, or discuss the matter with his caucus colleagues.

Dr Hood wrote A City Possessed, an award-winning book documenting the controversy surrounding Ellis, who was controversially convicted of child abuse in the 1990s, partly on the basis of several contested testimonies from very young children.

Dr Hood said yesterday she thought it "entirely reasonable" that Dr Brash did not commit himself to detail.

"I think my impression of him is he's very firm about wanting something done."

A commission would be the best outcome for Mr Ellis, she said.

"It needs to be a proper commission of inquiry headed by an overseas judge."

Parliament's justice select committee is holding an inquiry into Ellis' case and is expected to announce its findings before the election.

Ellis was released in 2000.