The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


The Press
August 13 2005

Anxious wait for Ellis

Convicted sex abuser Peter Ellis faces an anxious wait as Solicitor-General Terence Arnold considers recommendations that could clear the way for an appeal to the Privy Council.

Dunedin lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, has asked Attorney-General Michael Cullen whether he would act upon a justice and electoral select committee recommendation not to oppose Ellis's application for leave to appeal.

Ellis was "very anxious" to know whether Cullen would accept the recommendation, and another that the Legal Services Agency consider legal aid for the bid, and had sought an urgent response, Ablett-Kerr said yesterday.

Cullen's spokeswoman said the letter was passed to the Solicitor-General because the select committee "got the boundaries between the roles wrong" and should have recommended he consider the question in the first place.

Arnold was unavailable, but a Crown Law Office spokeswoman confirmed he would consider the points of law relating to the case, and the application for legal aid.

The select committee last week relayed its report into a petition demanding an inquiry into the controversial case. It rejected outright a request for a Royal Commission, but recommended the Attorney-General not oppose application by Ellis for leave to appeal to the Privy Council. It also recommended the Legal Services Agency use its discretion to provide legal aid for the bid.

Ellis was convicted in 1993 of sexually molesting children at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre where he worked. Ellis, who has always maintained his innocence, served two-thirds of a 10-year jail sentence.