The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


The Dominion Post
August 15 2005

A lingering casualty
Letter to the editor
by Anthony Frith, Mt Cook [Abridged]

Parliament's Justice and Electoral Commission committee, in being asked to consider a commission of inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis for child molestation, has recommended everything but.

While rejecting that bid, it has nonetheless produced an overwhelming raft of recommendations for changes to legislation amounting to a clear admission that, in cases where the sexual abuse of children is alleged, the justice system stacks the odds against the defendant, turning trials into inquisitions.

It is not enough to merely patch the legislation to prevent such an appalling miscarriage of justice happening again, as Peter Ellis remains a lingering casualty of a system that has repeatedly failed him and destroyed his life.

A commission of inquiry would not necessitate his "victims" being dragged through the coals again; such a claim is an emotive red herring. It would need only look at whether Ellis should have been convicted based on the evidence at the trial.

The committee's suggestion seems to be that it is better to deny an innocent man justice than to risk hurting the feelings of his accusers.