The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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2005 Index

Tim Barnett Blog
August 15 2005

Select Committee reports on the Christchurch Civic Creche case
by Richard Christie

Tim Barnett wrote:

The report does not recommend a Royal Commission of Inquiry, essentially because Commissions are not usually set up to (in effect) relitigate a court case, but also because there were better ways of dealing with what the Committee felt a Royal Commission would have ended up looking at.

Peter Ellis' guilt? We pressured for a new appeal route to be opened up to him.

Don't kid yourself OR your readers Tim. The CCRC doesn't yet exist and even if it ever does materialise why didn't the committee recommend that Ellis be its first consideration?

The Privy Council option owes nothing to your committee. It's a poison chalice.The PC will only look at previously examined material (severely limited in ambit) perhaps with the exception of changes to the s23G evidence act.

Your timing in regard to the delivery report is craven.

I wish you could read my lips: History will be the judge of your ethics in this effort.