The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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2005 Index

Tim Barnett Blog
August 15 2005, 07:16

Select Committee reports on the Christchurch Civic Creche case
by Bill Wright

Tim Barnett says:

"I am proud of this report. It was criticised from all sides. I am sure that I sound like a dumbarse politician when I say that suggests we may just have got it right?"

You're right Tim, you do sound like a dumbarse politician and the report lends strength to those who believe that there is more to your light weight conclusions than meets the eye. The report leaves Peter Ellis in limbo!

You have avoided the main issue in the case, namely that apart from evidence that Peter Ellis worked at the Creche, no other credible evidence was adduced at the trial.

There was no tangible evidence of soiling or damage to clothing or person following the alleged scatological incidents, no clinical evidence of the physical injury that might be expected from the activities alleged, no corroboration. There was much to suggest that opportunity never existed and that the bizarre activities alleged, had they occurred, could not have remained undetected.

The convictions appear to have hinged on controversial video interviews recorded by children under hectoring and stressful conditions, and the evidence of ‘experts’ admitted under the dubious section 23G of the Evidence Act.

It is difficult to see what more is needed to illustrate how unsafe was the conviction and to compel an enquiry.

In a fair world, parliament would send back your report for further consideration, but I'm not holding my breath. Look out for another, larger, petition!

Thanks for the opportunity to comment...